Nightly Escapes: Mystery & Thriller Reads

Specialty Promo - Mystery & Thrillers

Dates: 04/14/2025 to 04/23/2025

Promo Details

Time to get TONS of exposure for your mystery, thriller, or horror book!

🔎 Mystery & Thriller Authors—This One’s for You! 🔪

Readers crave heart-pounding twists, edge-of-their-seat suspense, and jaw-dropping reveals—and Nightly Escapes: Mystery & Thriller Reads is here to deliver.

This high-impact book promo is designed to connect your mystery, thriller, or suspense novel with eager readers who crave adrenaline-fueled twists, heart-pounding action, and mind-blowing reveals.

With every promo we run, we put our marketing muscle behind it—including targeted Facebook ads to drive traffic and maximize exposure. That means your book won’t just sit on a page—it will be actively pushed in front of readers hungry for their next thrilling escape.

Want even more visibility? We offer exclusive add-ons designed to amplify your reach, from newsletter features to premium placements. But these spots are extremely limited—so if you’re looking for extra exposure, don’t wait!

No matter if your book is a classic whodunit, a psychological thriller, a pulse-pounding crime novel, or a high-stakes action story—if it keeps readers flipping pages past bedtime, it belongs in this promo!

📖 Spots are filling fast—secure yours today and let’s get your book in front of the right audience!

What You Get

  • 4 Week-Long Giveaway
  • 3 Month Website Listing
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Jennifer Skully
Nyla Sky
Dave Skye
Heather Slade
Joanna Campbell Slan
Rachel Ann Smith
Maren Smith
Wes Snowden
Mark Snyder Jr
P. H. Solomon
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Alexa Spagnoli
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Erin Spencer
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Elmas Turuncu
Rayna Tyler
Sarena Ulibarri
MJ Ulmer
Pamela Ungashick
Diane Vallere
A.M. Van Dorn
Augustina Van Hoven
Heidi Vanlandingham
Amy Vansant
Erika Vanzin
Tami Veldura
Wendy Vella
Lisa Ann Verge
Maria Vermisoglou
Rohan M. Vider
Mia Vines
Lia Violet
C.V. Vobh
Leslie Vollard
Dania Voss
Ellie Wade
Ellie Wade
Tricia D. Wagner
Krista Wagner
Tabetha Waite
Scott Walker
Joss Walker
Sarah Wallace
Vikki Walton
Wendy Wang
Dani M. Ward
Andrew Ward
Susan Warner
CJ Warrant
Eliza Watson
Charissa Weaks
Donna K. Weaver
Densie Webb
Rene Webb
Mike Wech
Kirsten Weiss
Charles Welde
PJ Wesley
L A Worley
Greta Rose West
Meghann Whistler
Jessica White
Debbie White
Janice Whiteaker
Alexa Whitewolf
D.W. Whitlock
Lucinda Whitney
Blox Widdle Manor
Blox Widdle Manor
Kay Widow
Ivy Wild
Tanya Wilde
Luna Wilder
Renee Wildes
Kyle Wilhelm
Dianna Wilkes
Lana Williams
Christopher Williams
Stella Williams
Victoria LK Williams
Sarah Williams
Sean Willson
R.L. Wilson
C.B. Wilson
Diane Wing
Jessie Winterspring
Richard Wise
Bree Wolf
Essie Wolfe
Samantha Wolfe
Essie Wolfe
Ruby Wolff
Danielle M. Wong
Kelsey Elizabeth Wood
Traci Wooden-Carlisle
Rachel Woods
Tayloranne Worley
Elle Wren Burke
Jason Wrench
Melissa Wright
Erin Wright
Jeannie Wycherley
Harley Wylde
Sharla Wylde
Jared Wynn
Aubrey Wynne
Erica Xenne
Jonathan Yanez
Brian Yansky
Rebecca Yarros
Joyce Yarrow
Aurelia Yates
Cliff Yeargin
Mustafa Yorgancioglu
Jessa York
Roy YouldousRaiss
Zera Young
Cari Z
Peter Berlin and Ann Zachariah
Aeryn Zaera
Naya Zayn
Penny Zeller
A.G. ZoderoT
Jean Paul Zogby
Vito Zuppardo
Kirk Zurosky
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13 Reasons for Murder
21st Century Austen
A Big Murder Mystery Series
A Bobwhite Mountain Cozy Mystery Series
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A Cardboard Cottage Mystery
A Chance Inquiry
A Chandler County Novel
A Coogan Mystery
A Cumberpatch Cove Mystery
A Different Kind of Love
A Fast Urban Fantasy with a Badass Female Bounty Hunter
A Fen Maguire Mystery
A Friendship Beach Novel
A Gentleman's Heart
A Good Run Of Bad Luck
A Henrietta and Inspector Howard Novel
A Hippie Love Triangle
A Josiah Reynolds Mystery
A Kalli Ballas Mystery
A Kallie Collins Cozy Mystery
A Kate Howard Novel
A Legend to Love Story
A Libby Foster Cozy Mystery Book 2
A Lord For All Seasons
A MacNaughton Castle Romance
A Mona Moon Mystery
A Parlor Tricks Mystery
A Pet Communicator Cozy Mystery
A Point Muse Cozy Paranormal Mystery
A Polly Pepper Mystery
A Rescued by the Billionaire Romance Series
A Rhyming Book of Creatures and their Fascinating Features!
A Sparky of Bunker Hill Mystery
A Sunburned Land
A Sunny Meadows Mystery
A Sweet Second Chance Romance
A Thousand Scars for You
A Touch of Ink
A Witch of Edgehill Mystery
Adventures of City Girl
Aether Psychics
Age of Azuria
Aileen and Callan Murder Mystery series
AJ Bailey Adventure Series
Alex Schofield
Alien Abduction
All the Queen's Knaves
Alpha Wolves Want Curves
Alter Ego
Altered Helix
Always a Scot
Amo & Akka's World Adventures
An Abel Yeager Novel
An Allison Quinn Thriller
An Ash Park
and Barbecue
Angel of Darkness Fast-Paced Action Thrillers
Antonello Brothers
Antonello Brothers: Immortal
Aprons & Veils
Arabella Stewart Historical Mysteries
Ascot and the Stolen Shrubs: Book One of the Fern Valley Fur Family Mysteries by J. Traveler Pelton
Ashton Grove Werewolves
Aspen Ridge Pack: Shifter M.D.
Aspen Ridge Pack: The Loners
Astoria Bay Thunder
At Wits' End
Austen Inspired
Away From Keyboard
Back Door Records
Backyard Farming
Bad Boys with Billions
Bad Girls of the West
Bad Idea Billionaires
Badlands Thriller
Barkview Mysteries
Bayou Devils MC
Beach House Mystery
Bears Protecting Portland
Beauties with Blades
Being Me
Being The Billionaire's Girlfriend
Bell Time
Bend To My Will
Between Ink and Shadows
Big Apple Blessings
Big Northwest
Billionaires Behaving Badly
Billionaires in Vegas
Birth of the Rim
Birthing the Goddess, Return of the Divine Feminine
Biscayne Bay Mystery Series
Black Family Series
Blackmoore Sisters Mystery
Blood Legacy
Blood Ties
Blueberry Point Romance
Body Conscious
Body Jumping Duology
Bones MC
Book of Love Series
Books for Dog Lovers
Boomer Babes Book Club Romances
Boudin Bourbon and Barbecue
Bought By The Billionaire - Box Sets
Bound By Blood
Bow Street Brides
Branden Bay Paranormal Cafe
Brethren of the Coast
Brigadier Station
Broken Empire
Broken Roads
Brooklyn Kings
Buck Reilly Adventure Series
Building the Circle
Burger Wine Estate
Buying the Virgin - Box Sets
By the Hands Of Men
By the Sea Cozy Mystery Series
Called by a Highlander
Canyon Club
Caribbean Adventure Series
Carolina Waves Series
Case Twins Adventure
Chandler Hill Inn
Chandler Hill Inn Series
Chaos In The Blink Of An Eye
Charlie Parker Mysteries
Chase Security Series
Château de Verzat
Chef Dani Rosetti Cozy Mysteries
Chicago Christmas Series
Chickadee Cove
Christian Small Town Secrets Series
Christmas in Amesbury
Christmas in Snow Hill
Christmas Shenanigans
Chronicles of The Otherworld
Chronicles of the Westbrook Brides
Church Boyz
Cincinnati City Lights
Claire Beckett: Protector of Crescent City
Clan Ross of the Hebrides
Clare Instalove
Clean Billionaire Holiday Romance Series
Clearing the Ice
Cliffside Bay
Club Wishing Well
Codename: 3Magi
Colors of Scandal
Colors Trilogy
Colours of Death
Comedic Epistemology
Con the Rock Star
Confederate Gold Widows
Confessions of a Closet Medium
Contemporary Romantic Suspense from Swan Harbor
Cook Brothers
Corgi Case Files
Cornhusker Dreams
Coulter and Woodard
Coupled by Christmas
Cowboys of Aspen Valley
Cowboys of Long Valley Romance
Cowgirl Mysteries
Cranberry Falls
Crescent Canyon Shifters
Crest of the Lion
Crooked Arrow Ranch
Cthulhu, Amalgamated
Cursed Bloodline
Curses of Midnight Springs
Curvy Girl Dating Agency
Cutter Kauai Sea Adventures
Cyborg Sizzle
Daddy P.I. Casefiles
Dangerous Curves
Daranii Justice
Dark and Wild
Dark Gardens Series
Dark Goddess
Dark Gorilla Shifter Trilogy
Dark Hearts Enchanted
Dark Ink Tattoo
Dark Leopards
Dark Sentinels
Darling VT
Daughters of Desire
Daughters of the Dagger
Davina Ravine Psychic Crime Thriller
Davina Ravine Psychic Crime Thriller Series
Deadwoods Series
Death by Chocolate
Demon Guardians MC
Demon Hunter
Demonic Indemnity
Demons of Morningstar
Descendants of the Fates
Descendants of the House of Bathory
Desperate Hearts
Destiny's Cove
Detective Hiroshi Series
Detour in Time
Detours in Time
Deviants & Doves Series 1: The Aces Trilogy
Devil's Murder MC
Devil’s Fury MC
Diamonds of London
Dirty-Sweet Romance Bundles
Disreputable Dukes of Club Damnation
Dixie Reapers MC
Do-Over Date
Dom’s in Uniform
Dr. Schwartzman
Dragon Mage Saga
Dragons of Isentol
Drakkonian Wars
Dream Runners
Eagle Mountain Brothers
Earth 4040
Echoes In Time
Eldritch Blues
Elemental Shifter
Elkridge Series
Emerson Pass Contemporaries
Emerson Pass Historicals
Enchanted Love
Enchanted Rock Immortals
Enemies to Lovers Series
Enterprising Women
Epic of Egaisha
Eternal Series
Eugeena Patterson Mysteries
Evan Wylder FBI
Evans Witches
Evergreen Falls
Experimental Heart
Fae Wilds Series
Fairy Tale Romance Stories
Falcon's Rest MC
Fallen Realm
Falling in Love—The Murphy Clan
Fangs, Fur, and Felines
Fated Mates of SpecOpsSierra
Federal K-9
Fenway Stevenson Mysteries
Fiona Fleming Cozy Mysteries
First Coast Thriller Series
First Responders of Faith Valley
Flight of the Night Witches
Flowers & Thorns
Forbidden Love Series
Forbidden Pleasures
Forevermore Series
From Heaven To Earth They Came
Frost Peak Cozy Mysteries
Frozen Wasteland
Fun cookbooks for kids ages 4-9
Gallery Café Mystery Series
Garden of the Gods
Gemini Group
Gems of Fire
Ghost Town
GhostWriter Mystery
Gift of Grace
Girl on a Plane series
Glass Beach Cottage Series
Gold Rush Brides
Golden Dreg Boy Golden Dreg World
Gone Rogue
Good Things Come
Grave Digger Academy
Greywood Elites
Griffin Force Series
Gryphon Rider Academy
Guardian Android
Guardians of Hope
Guardians of Light
Gull Island Romance
H. L. Macfarlane's Fairy Tale World
Hades' Spawn MC Series
Half Moon Bay
Harry Starke Genesis
Hart's Ridge
Havenwood Falls Collections
Hawaii Heat
HC Heroes Series
he Tungsten Chronicles
Heart of a Vampire
Heart of the Worlds
Hearts in Hendricks
Hearts of Hidden Hills
Hearts of Metal
Heartwarming Dog Lovers' Rescue Romance Series
Heaven on Earth
Heels, Rhymes and Nursery Crimes
Hell Holes
Her Last First...
Heroes of Huckleberry Creek
Heroes of the Night
HEX'd Series
Highland Hearts
Highland Heroes
Highland Talents
His Highland Heart
His Name Was Augustin
Holiday Mail Order Brides
Holidays & Heroes
Holidays are Murder
Holly Holmes cozy culinary mystery series
Hollywood Connections
Hollywood Name Game
Home (Abroad) for the Holidays
Honey Pot Mysteries
Hot Takes
Howard Family Series
Hunted by the Faerie Queen
Immortal Divorce Court
Immortal Roots
Improper Ladies
In Bloom
In the Den of the English Lion
Inconvenient Brides
Indigo Spring
Infiltrating the Ton
Ingram Brothers
Inheritance Bay
Inn Love
Intergalactic Brides
Intergalactic Officers
Intergalactic Warriors
Isabella Proctor Cozy Paranormal Mysteries
It's Complicated
Jamie Rush Mystery Series
Jane Delaney Mysteries
Jane Digby's Diary
Jenessa Jones Mysteries
Jericho Falls Cozy Mysteries
Josh Kennelly
Justice Series
Kaitlyn Willis Road Signs Mysteries
Karina Cardinal Mystery Series
Keeping the Pieces
Kelly Durrell
Kelsey's Burden Series
Keystone County Witches
King's Girl Series
King's Girls Series
Kingdom Journals
Kingdom of the Elf Lords
Knox and Sheppard
Kyndall Family Thrillers
Ladies of Garfield
Ladies on their Own: Governesses and Companions
Ladies Who Dare
Lady Hellgate
Lake of Sins
Lake Wilson Mystery
LaLa Test Series
Lance Tallbear
Last Chance Brides
Lavender Hill Cove series
Leftover Girl
Legacy in Blue
Libby Madsen Cozy Mysteries
Lion's Zoo
Lipstick and Lead 2.0
Liquid Cool
Little Secrets
Little Yokai Urban Fantasy Series
Live Your Truth
Living in Eden
Lobster Bay
Locrottum Universe
Logan McKenna Series
Lone Wolf Heroes
Looking For Group
Lost and Found, Inc.
Lost Fortunes, Found Love
Lost Mates
Love & Alliteration
Love & Holidays
Love in Paradise Valley
Love is Blind
Love on the Double
Love on the Radio
Love Saves
Love, Me & the 303 Series
Lyrical Odyssey Rock Star series
Lyssa's Holiday Hijinks
Mad Matchmaking Men of Waterloo Series
Made In Heaven
Mafia Academy
Maggie Sullivan Mysteries
Magical Kitten Cozy Mysteries
Magical Mojo
Magick Trilogy
Mail-Order Brides of the Southwest
Maine Maulers Hockey Series
Maine Megalodons
Make Mine An Earl
Mallory Beck Cozy Culinary Capers
Maple Lane Mysteries
Marine Raiders Alpha
Marked by the Dragon
Marriage by Necessity
Mastering the Virgin
Mastering the Virgin - Audiobook
Match Made in Montana
Matchmaker's Mix-Up
McKenzie Sisters Mystery Series
Meddle & Mend
MedSci Missions
Melting Pot Cafe
Men of the C-Suite
Merry Scroog-mas
Middlemarch Shifters
Midlife Olympians
Midlife Potions
Midlife Spirit Guides Paranormal Women's Fiction
Midnight Dynasty
Mike Stoneman Thriller
Miles Edwulfson
Military Men
Millars Crossing Romance
Millionaire and Makeovers
Misfits of the Ton
Mistaken Identity Series
Mister Series
Montana Gallagher Series
Montana Secrets
Moonlight Rogues
Moons of Ves'Oni
Moonshine Task Force
Moonshire Bay Small Town Romance
More than Magic
Morgan's Bay
Mountain City Chronicles
Mountain Men of Scarlet Ridge
Mountain of Fangs
Mountain Rescue Romance
Must Love Danger
Mutt to Megastar
My Cowboy Series
Mylas Grey Mystery Series
Mystery LakeSeries
Nadira Holden
Nadira Holden Demon Hunter
Neon Eclipse
Nerdy Thirties
Never Too Late
Night Gem
Nightingale Vineyard
Nite Fire
No Match for Love
Nora Sommer Caribbean Suspense series
North Oak
Northern Creatures
Northern Fire
Northern Waste
Northwest Cozy Mystery
NYPD Blue & Gold
Oak Grove High
Of Blood & Dreams
Olive Kennedy, Fairy World MD
Once a Wallflower
Once Again
Once Upon a Widow
Orange Sinclair Urban Fantasy Series
Our Fae Queen
Our Time Is Now
Pain and Sin Duet
Pale Rider
Palmyrton Estate Sale Mystery Series
Paradise Beach
Paradise Florida Keys Mystery Series
Paradise Valley Mysteries
Paradox Lake Sweet Romance
Paranormal Penny Mysteries
Parker Ranches Inc.
Part of: A Reporter Roland Bean Cozy Mystery (7 books)
Partners in Crime Supernatural Mysteries
Penchant for Trouble
Perfect Poison Murders
Persephone Pringle Cozy Mysteries
Pharos Hills Novellas
Pine Valley
Pineville Romance
Pirates of Britannia
Pirates of New Earth
Pirates of New Earty
Pirates of the Coast
Poppy Parker Witch Cozy Mysteries
Port Chance
Post-Apocalyptic Joe in a Cinematic Wasteland
Project Enterprise
Project Morpheus
Promises To Zion
Prosperity Ranch
Protection Series
Providence Island
Providence Island Series
Psychic Solutions Mysteries
Quake City Investigations
Queen City Crimes Series
Qurilixen Lords
Racing into Romance
Raised by Wolves
Realm Chronicles
Rebel Cyborgs
Red Maple Falls
Redemption of the Gorgons
Redemption/The Vault
Regency Rogues
Relic Legacy Series
Renegade Reapers MC
Restore My Soul
Return to Blessing, Texas
Return to Love
Revenge of the Wallflowers
Rift Walkers
Rim Chronicles
Riot MC
Riot MC Biloxi
River City Racers
Road To Nowhere
Road to the Breaking
Roadies Series
Rogue Enforcers World
Rogues of Redemption
Romance Across State Lines
Romancing the Californian Cowboys
Romano Family
Romantic Destinations
Rosemary Mountain Mystery Series
Rosewood Ranch Series
Royal Bastards MC Tonopah, NV
Ryker Falls
Salty Key Inn
Sam Jardine Crime Conspiracy Thrillers
Sands of Ruin series
Saskatchewan Romance
Sass and Growl
Scandals With Bite
Scot to the Heart
Scottish Rogues of the High Seas
SEAL of Protection: Legacy
SEAL Team: Holiday Heroes
SEALs of Shadow Force: Spy Division
Seasons Heartbeat: Lake Serene
Seaview Cottages Cozy Mystery
Secrets of the Blue and Gray
Seduction By Starlight Bk 1
Seductive Scoundrels
Sennenwolf Series
Sentinel Series
Servant of the Gods
Seven Unsuitable Sisters
Sever the Crown
Shadows and Silk
Shamaness in Silhouette
Shifter Moon
Shock Pepper
Shores of Loon Lake
Silver Wind Horse Rescue
Simply Meant to Be
Sinful Seduction
Single in South Beach
Singular Sensation
Sins of the Brothers
Sitting on Top of the World
Skyline Mansion
Sleepy Hollow Hunter
Sleuths of Shadow Salon
Small Town Bachelors
Small Town Mysteries
Small Town Submission
Small Town Trouble
Smiley and McBlythe Mystery Series
Society of Ancient Magic
Soldiers of Sin
Song of the Sidhe
Sons of de Lohr (De Lohr Dynasty)
Sons of the Desert
South Mafia Wars
Southern Waters Adventure Series
St. James Sisters Collection
St. James Sisters collection (Stand Alone Series)
Star of Justice Series
Starting Over
Stateside Doms
Stealth Security
Sterling Chains
Steven Walker
Stuck with You
Suitor Science
Summer Beach
Summer McCloud Paranormal Mysteries
Sunshine Bay
Sweet Boston Billionaires
Sweetfern Harbor Mystery
Sword and Sorcery
Sylvia Stryker Outer Space Mysteries
Taking Chances Series
Tales From The Deccan Plateau
Tales from the Edge
Tales of Love and Mystery
Taming the Dragon
Tampa Suns Hockey
Taylor Texas Mysteries
Tessa Extra-Sensory Agent
Texas Sweethearts
That's Our Family
The 'Say Yes' Series
The 1930s Mona Moon Mysteries
The Adventures of Anabel Axelrod
The Agency
The Agents of the Home Office
The Angelics
The Apollo Stone Series
The Appleton Romantic Mysteries
The Art of Love
The Art of Secrets
The Ashen Twilight Series
The Audacious Series
The Bachelorette Series
The Bad Boys of Bevington College
The Balefire Series
The Ball of Sin
The Beartooth Chronicles
The Beautiful Souls Collection
The Beaver Island Mysteries
The Bell Family of Bluestar Island
The Big Uneasy
The Billionaire's Baby
The Bleeding Realms
The Bliss Bay Village Mysteries
The Blood Witch Saga
The Book of Love
The Bow of Hart Saga
The Branwell Chronicles
The Braydens
The Brightling Court
The Buchanan Series
The Burnett Brides
The C.T. Ferguson Mystery Novels
The Cade Ranch Series
The Cannon City Chronicle
The Carte Blanche Series
The Centaurs
The Chainmakers Trilogy
The Chances
The Chanceville Chronicles
The Charlotte Denver Cozy Mystery Series
The Christmas Quest for love
The Chronicles of Alcinia
The Chronicles of Cacedera
The Chronicles of Ross
The City
The Clan Sinclair
The Cleremont Conjectures
The Club Inferno Series
The Cocktail Series
The Cocky Kingmans
The Colors Trilogy
The Commons
The Coven
The Coventry Saga
The Cowboys of Whistle Rock Ranch
The Cozy Up series
The Crown of Stones
The Cuddler Romance Series
the CULL
The Daemon World
The Daniel PIke Legal Thriller Series
The Darkness Series
The De Veres
The Deep Series
The Defenders
The Deville Brothers
The Dirty Sinners
The Doctors Club Series
The Doyle Witch Mysteries
The Druid Knight Series
The Dryad Chronicles
The Duchess's Investigative Society
The Duke's Guard
The Eden Stories
The Eglinton Knight Series
The Elite and the Rogues
The Ellie Foreman Mysteries
The Ember Files
The Emerging Queens
The Enduring
The Eternal Series
The Faith Series
The Fallen Angels Alliance Series
The Farthingale Series
The Fated Loves
The Fateful Force
The Finger Lakes Mysteries
The Forever Series
The Frenemies Series
The Gemini Initiative
The Giovanni
The Goldenchild Prophesy
The Gone Rogue Series
The Grim Reaper Chronichles
The Grumpy Billionaire
The Guest Book Trilogy
The Harvest Series
The Haven Trilogy
The Hawthorne University Witch Series
The Heart of Stone Adventures
The Heartbeat of Revolution
The Hearts of Sawyers Bend
The Hellion Club
The High Garden Dragons
The Highland Chiefs
The Holiday Adventure Club
The Holly Daye Mystery Series
The Hunt for Justice Series
The Identity Series
The Ignite Series
The Indigo Lewis Series
The Irish Gods
The Jack and Frances mysteries
The Jack Rogan Mysteries
The Jerusalem Spy Series
The John Hayes Thrillers
The Josh Kavanagh Thrillers
The Josiah Reynolds Mysteries
The Karina Cardinal Mysteries
The Kate Barrett Series
The Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Series
The Ladies of Sommer-by-the-Sea
The Ladies' Wagering Whist Society
The Last Chance Romance Series
The Last Lumenian Series
The Last War series
The Legends of Regia
The life of Badfreaky the witch Book
The Locrottum Academy
The Lords of Vice
The Lords' Gambit
The Lost Gods
The Lost Lords Series
The Love in LA Quartet
The MacGalloways
The Made Ones Saga
The Magic of Wishes & Dreams
The Maguire Brothers
The Mancinelli Brotherhood
The Master's Child
The Matchmaker-Agatha Returns
The Maw of Mayhem
The Maxwell Barnes Adventure Thriller Series
The Maxwell Family Saga
The Maxwell Series
The Memory Thieves
The Midnight Trilogy
The Mirror Kingdom Chronicles
The Miso Cozy Mysteries Series
The Moonstone Landing
The Most Murderous Time of the Year
The Neglected Merge Trilogy
The Never Series
The Noble Lords
The O'Connells
The O'Rourke Family Montana Saga
The Pacific Chronicles
The Paranormals Blood World
The Path of None
The Pathway Series
The Petrov legacy
The Phenomenological Detective
The Playmakers Series®
The Pleasure Associate
The Presley Thurman Cozy Mystery Series
The Princess Maura Tales
The Promise Series
The Quest
The Quira Chronicles
The Raven’s Oath
The Read Wine Bookstore Cozy Mystery Series
The Reckless Rockwoods
The Red Club Series
The Red Earth Series
The Revolution Sagas
The Rise of Penumbra
The Rookie Club
The Rosetti Crime Family
The Royal Occult Bureau
The Rule Series
The Sable Riders
The Scottish Scrolls
The Second Chance Inn
The Secret Tales
The Seven Curses of London
The Sharp Dressed Corpse
The Shattered Innocence Series
The Shee McQueen Mystery Thriller Series
The Shelby Alexander Thriller Series
The Shops at Sunshine Bay
The Shores of Loon Lake
The Shorten Chronicles
The Shorten Chronicles Boxsets
The Silver Dukes
The Sinclair Society Series
The Sins Series
The Soldiers of PATCH-COM
The Spell Saga
The Star of Atlantis
The Still Waters Suspense Series
The Strongs of Shadowcrest
The Swoonworthy Bachelors
The Sycamore Grove Paranormal Cozy Mystery Series
The Tainted Elves
The Takeover Series
The Talisman Series
The Tanners
The Tansy & Hank Pet Psychic Cozy Mystery Series
The Technicians Series
The Tidewater Chronicles
The Traveler
The Trident
The Trueborn Saga
The Trust Casefiles
The Twits Chronicles
The Unbelievables
The Unstoppables Team 1
The urban Fae series
The Vault
The Vendetta Brotherhood
The Viking Tales
The Vilokan Asylum of the Magically and Mentally Deranged
The Vitale Family
The Wanderers Cycle
The Warlords of Thyre
The White Sails Series
The Windsor Series
The Winemakers
The Winters Saga
The Wishing Tree
The Witches of Whitehall
The Wolf Riders of Keldarra
The Worthington Brides
The Zero Chance Billionaires' Club
Their Temptation
Thieves of the Ton
Thorn Mysteries
Thousand Islands Gilded Age
Three Sisters Ranch
Tildas Island
To the Rescue
Tokyo Whispers
Touch the Sea Series
Touched by Afterlife
Treacherous Trips Collection - Standalone Thrillers
Tree of Life
Trinitarian Knights Collection
Triple J Ranch
Triple R Ranch
True Companion
Twin Berry Bakery
Twisted Luck
Unity City
Up on the Farm
US Marshal Thriller Series
Valleford Series
Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla
Venture, Georgia
Vermilion County Mysteries
Veterans Club
Victorian Outcasts
Victory Gospel Short
Vienna Calling
Vinnie Briggs Mystery
Void Beast
Volkov Bratva Series
Warleigh Hall Press Jane Austen Series
Warlocks MacGregor
Warriors of Eriu
Welcome to Kissing Springs
Western Trail Series
When Bad Things Happen
When Muses Misbehave
When the Blood Is Up
Whispers From the Bayou
White Haven Witches
Wicked Fates Series
Wild Romance
Will Harper Mystery Series
Willfull Winterbournes
Windsor Series
Windy City Nights
Wishing for a Hero
Witch Walker
Witchy Business Mysteries
Wonky Inn
World War II Historical Fiction
Wyoming Courage
Wyoming Danger
Yokai Tresaures
Yolanda's Yummery Cozy Mystery
You & Me
Yukon Valley
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16 and up
Medium Heat
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