Brian Yansky

I’ve published thirteen novels, five traditionally and eight independently. I write Humor and Horror and SFF and Humor. I'm a big consumer of stories, particularly SF&F&Supernatural— any story that inspires wonder— in all formats: novels, short stories, movies, shows, comics etc.…Falling in love with stories saved me from a life of crime (I’m only sort of kidding; it did save me from something). A lot of my main characters are adopted. Like them, I was adopted. I seem to write often about identity. I live in Austin, Texas. I have no horses or cowboy hats. I do have a 120 pound sheep dog. I’ve taught college and worked a lot of different jobs and lived in a number of cities. I have a black belt in Taekwondo. Helps with my action scenes. I’m married. I love writing novels (published 14 or so-some traditionally, more independently) and stories (have published over 15 stories), but I like writing most anything. My grocery lists are excellent.