Rae Lori

Rae Lori is a multi-published, award-winning author and a geek girl at heart. She was first bitten by the writing bug at ten and never stopped loving the written word. Over a twenty-year-plus writing career, she has been published with various zines, journals and publishing companies and taught new writers the craft of novel writing in between her projects. She has won various awards including an Honorable Mention in the 73rd Annual Writer’s Digest Writing Competition, the 2011 ForeWord Book of the Year Gold Award Winner in Writing (Adult Nonfiction), and Best Romance Novella in SORMAG’s 2009 Reader’s Choice Awards.

Rae can usually be found with her head in the clouds daydreaming of her next story. That is, when she isn’t gaming or watching her fave movies with her fellow geekazoid husband (it’s time for another Aliens rewatch!), crocheting, or has her nose in a book.