Tamsen Schultz is the author of the romantic suspense Windsor Series and the short story, American Kin. She’s an RWA Daphne Du Maurier Excellence in Mystery finalist and three time finalist in the Pacific Northwest Writers Association annual contest.

In addition to being a writer, she has a background in the field of international conflict resolution, has co-founded a non-profit, and currently works in corporate America. Like most lawyers, she spends a disproportionate amount of time thinking (and writing) about what it might be like to do something else.

She lives in a small rural town, not far from Napa, full of males including her husband, two teenage sons, four cats, a dog, and a gender-neutral, but well-stocked, wine rack.

Visit Tamsen at www.tamsenschultz.com or on facebook www.facebook.com/TamsenSchultz.