New Year, New BookBub Authors
BookBub Promo
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Time to get NEW readers to follow you on BookBub!
Connect with Readers Who Love to Buy Books!
BookBub is the ultimate platform for book lovers—and for authors looking to sell books. It’s where avid readers go to discover their next read, and growing your followers here unlocks tools that put your books front and center. From pre-order alerts to new release announcements, BookBub helps you reach a ready-to-buy audience.
Our New Year, New BookBub Authors gives you the exposure you need by promoting your author profile to thousands of readers eager to discover authors like you. With our help, you’ll see long-term benefits, building a loyal following that grows with every release.
✨ Want even more visibility? Choose one of our premium spotlight options to put your profile in front of even more readers. These exclusive spots fill quickly, so secure yours today!
📢 Take the first step toward growing your BookBub following! Sign up below to start connecting with your ideal audience.
What You Get
- 2 Week-Long Giveaway
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- Inclusion in LitRing emails
- Social media promotion on LitRing accounts
- Customized giveaway graphics for your use
- Additional Promotion through Contests sites