Night Deception


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In this intriguing mix of mystery and romance, Isiah and Alexis discover that for some reason, treason isn't enough.

Isiah Clarke may be a former Navy SEAL, but now that he’s retired, he’s more than happy to be passing his time tending to the bar he owns on Tildas Island. That is, until a former teammate sends him a message asking for help in finding and protecting an elusive CIA asset. Isiah can’t ignore what may be his teammate’s last wish and, reluctantly, he turns to FBI agent Alexis Wright—a woman who’s been under his skin since the first time she walked into his bar seven months earlier.

For Alexis, there’s no question she’ll help the former SEAL find the asset. Especially when the information from Isiah’s teammate alludes to a threat to the upcoming Summit of World Leaders—a gathering she and her team are responsible for ensuring the safety of.