Author Trailblazers

Amazon Promo

Dates: 05/24/2024 to 06/05/2024

Promo Details

Time to get NEW readers to follow you on Amazon!

In the ever-expansive universe of books, Amazon remains the cornerstone where readers flock to discover their next read. But in this crowded marketplace, how do you ensure your voice is heard above the rest? It’s time to amplify your authorial presence and let Amazon become a powerful ally in your publishing journey.

Introducing the Author Trailblazers Amazon builder, your gateway to not just being seen, but being followed and anticipated by thousands of eager readers on Amazon. Imagine having Amazon itself introduce your new releases to fans, creating buzz and momentum right from the start.

Why Join Author Trailblazers?

  • Expand Your Reach: Through LitRing, we spotlight your author profile to a vast audience of potential followers, those keen readers who are always on the lookout for their next favorite author to “1-click.”
  • Forge Lasting Connections: This isn’t about fleeting visibility. We’re building a bridge between you and your future fans, ensuring your Amazon profile continues to attract new followers, ready to embark on every literary adventure you present.
  • Maximize Your Launches: Every new follower on Amazon is a direct line to a reader who’s eagerly awaiting your next release. With Amazon’s help in announcing your launches, your book starts off with a fanfare, not a whisper.

Ready to Set Your Author Profile Aflame?

Don’t let another book launch go by without harnessing the full power of Amazon’s reach. Sign up now and transform your Amazon presence into a beacon that guides readers straight to your work.

Crave More Spotlight?

Dive into our exclusive add-on options for that additional burst of visibility. These opportunities are as hot as a summer’s day and just as quickly snapped up. Secure your spot now and ensure your author profile shines brighter than ever!

What You Get

  • 2 Week-Long Giveaway
  • Promotion on
  • Social media promotion on LitRing accounts
  • Inclusion in LitRing emails
  • Customized giveaway graphics for your use
  • Additional Promotion through Contests sites

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