Bookmark the Buzz

BookBub Promo

Dates: 06/21/2024 to 07/03/2024

Promo Details

Time to get NEW readers to follow you on BookBub!

In the realm of literary discovery, BookBub stands as a towering beacon, guiding voracious readers to their next beloved book. Known as the crown jewel of book marketing, BookBub offers unparalleled opportunities for authors to shine. But amidst the sea of talent, how do you ensure your beacon shines the brightest? The answer is simple: grow your BookBub following and become a sovereign of your genre.

Introducing Bookmark the Buzz builder promo, your royal decree to ascend the BookBub ranks. This 13-day crusade is not just about amassing followers; it’s about forging a loyal readership, eager to heed your every word, from pre-orders to your latest releases.

Why Bookmark the Buzz is Your Throne to Claim:

  • Command a Kingdom of Readers: With LitRing at your side, your author profile will be heralded across the lands, reaching thousands of readers who are on a quest to swear fealty to their next favorite author—you.
  • Reign Beyond the Campaign: Your sovereignty extends far past the 13 days of fanfare. Enjoy enduring visibility as your BookBub kingdom grows, attracting new loyalists and increasing your influence with each passing moon.
  • Issue Royal Edicts: Your followers are not just numbers; they are your court, hanging onto your proclamations of upcoming releases and exclusive sneak peeks. This is your chance to cut through the noise and communicate directly with your audience.

Are You Ready to Ascend?

The time has come to claim your crown in the BookBub realm. Sign up for Bookmark the Buzz now and begin your reign as the author to which all readers will turn.

Seeking the Crown Jewels?

Enhance your royal treasury with our exclusive add-on options, designed to spotlight your author profile like the jewel it is. These opportunities are as coveted as the rarest gems, vanishing quickly. Secure your regal status today and let your BookBub profile be the crown atop your literary legacy!

What You Get

  • 2 Week-Long Giveaway
  • Promotion on
  • Inclusion in LitRing emails
  • Social media promotion on LitRing accounts
  • Customized giveaway graphics for your use
  • Additional Promotion through Contests sites

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